Photo by Sterling Lanier

The fight between Rational mind vs Intuitive minds

2 min readJun 23, 2024


1. Rational Mind: The Thinker

- Our rational mind is like a logical librarian wearing glasses. It thinks critically, analyzing facts and outcomes before making judgments.
- It relies on deliberate processes, rules of logic, and evidence-based reasoning.
- Rationality is essential for structured decision-making and problem-solving.

2. Intuitive Mind: The Whisperer

- Intuition is that feeling in your gut when you instinctively know something is right or wrong. It’s like sensing kindness or fear in another person’s face.
- Unlike rationality, intuition isn’t always explainable. It feels natural, almost instinctual.
- Intuition draws on deep-seated knowledge and prior experiences, often operating at lightning speed.

Photo by Mark König on Unsplash

3. Why Prioritize Intuition?

- Creativity and Innovation: Intuition sparks breakthroughs. Artists, inventors, and experts rely on their intuitive side to create something new and original.

- Quick Decision-Making: Intuition guides rapid responses. It’s our survival system, helping us react instantly.

- Pattern Recognition: Intuition spots hidden patterns, connecting dots effortlessly.

- Expertise: Experienced professionals often rely on intuition, drawing from years of stored knowledge.

- Balance: When rationality and intuition dance together, creativity thrives. Both minds contribute to a richer understanding of the world.

(1) Rational Thinking | SpringerLink.
(2) What Is Intuition and Why Is It Important? 5 Examples.
(3) Rational Mind vs Emotional Mind: The Dual Nature of Our Mind.
(4) Wise Mind vs Emotional Mind: A Dialectical Approach.

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