I changed my fear into a goal!

Here’s what a trekking trip told me about myself.

2 min readJul 10, 2024

Our mind full of assumptions about ourselves, makes the limits and boundaries that we are not capable of crossing those limits. But I challenged myself to cross those lines and here’s what happened.

On a trekking day with my family, I was stuck in a thought!

That is why some people can trek easily and some cannot.

I thought it was about our stamina or the body’s BMI, but instead, I figured out that it is our mind making the limits.

And then I challenged myself to accomplish the trek without stopping once and breaking the assumptions of my mind, though it was hard. And I crossed the whole trek without stopping. And achieved it!

But here’s the approach I choose to win it!

First I started taking the trek as my life, which I should clear without stopping to be successful.

To achieve it I stopped looking at the whole trekking journey I needed to finish or where I needed to reach (that is the product) and started looking at little steps I needed to accomplish, bit by bit, step by step (that is the process).

By focusing on the process, my mind’s thoughts were shifted from gaining the result to walking the elevation.

Shift your mind toward the process, and you won’t realize that you have already accomplished the goal.


Photo by Nathalie Désirée Mottet on Unsplash

In my process, many distractions, barriers, or hard things came but the approach of getting back to my way has worked as an excellence. That’s how our life works; we encounter various circumstances that come our way, and many emotions capture our attention. But as we walk throughout the journey we learn to adapt to every situation and grow along the way.

However, on this trip, my boundaries automatically flourished and my actions, as well as commitment, made me achieve.

My Takeaways from this trip

-Always remind yourself that it’s your mind that thinks it’s impossible, but in reality, maybe it’s not. And you can achieve anything.

-If you understand the meaning behind any goal and why you have to achieve it, it becomes a strong commitment. Without your underlying belief in any goal, it’s hard to motivate yourself to achieve it.

-Everyone has fun accomplishing the results and its fame, but not everyone has fun during accomplishing it. Drive the focus to process and you will wonder that you are more than your results.

Thank you for reading, make sure to share your views!

Happy learning:)




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